Event Information

Event on 2024-01-04 07:39, Soerenberg LU, Magnitude 2.9
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Local time 2024-01-04 07:39:39
UTC Time 2024-01-04 06:39:39
Event Type earthquake
Latitude / Longitude 46.82 / 8.00
Swiss Coordinates 643075 / 185538
Magnitude 2.9
Magnitude Type MLhc
Location Soerenberg LU
Depth [km] 5.8
Location Type manual
Agency SED
Last Update 12-01-2024 11:25:50
Danger level 1 (as defined by federal agencies with responsibility for natural hazards)
Origin ID & Metadata smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc20ag/Origin/NLL.20240112112542.595394.165003

Observed macroseismic intensities

Zip Code
Epicentral Distance
# of Reports
3855 Brienz BE CH 7 km IV 8
3858 Hofstetten bei Brienz CH 9 km felt 1
6078 Lungern CH 12 km felt 4
3860 Meiringen CH 17 km felt 2
3862 Innertkirchen CH 21 km felt 1

*An intensity value according to the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98) is only given from six reports onwards per postal code .

Waveform Image:
waveform image, if available
Traveltime plot:
travel time plot. click to enlarge in separate window.
GSE 2.1 provisional format
MSG_ID 2024/01/04_072955344 CHE_NDC
Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) of the CHE_NDC for January 04, 2024, 06:39:39.334
EVENT 2024/01/04_063939334 SOERENBERG LU
Date Time Err RMS Latitude Longitude Smaj Smin Az Depth Err Ndef Nsta Gap mdist Mdist Qual Author OrigID
2024/01/04 06:39:39.33 0.19 46.8222 8.0091 1108.0 188.5 144 5.8 0.6 39 29 59 0.12 0.58 m i ke SED --------

Magnitude Err Nsta Author OrigID
MLhc 2.9 0.2 214 SED --------

Sta Dist EvAz Phase Time TRes Azim AzRes Slow SRes Def SNR Amp Per Qual Magnitude ArrID
HASLI 0.12 123.9 Pg 06:39:41.866 -0.2 ___ 15806.1 md_ MLhc 3.3 --------
HASLI 0.12 123.9 Sg 06:39:43.984 0.0 ___ m__ --------
SMEIS 0.15 127.6 Pg 06:39:42.545 0.0 ___ 30371.9 m__ MLhc 3.2 --------
SMEIS 0.15 127.6 Sg 06:39:45.244 0.2 ___ m__ --------
SINS 0.17 216.5 Sg 06:39:45.942 0.4 ___ 18219.5 m__ MLhc 2.9 --------
A060B 0.17 353.0 Pg 06:39:43.112 -0.1 ___ 2500.9 md_ MLhc 2.7 --------
A060B 0.17 353.0 Sg 06:39:46.316 0.3 ___ m__ --------
SARK 0.17 66.7 Pg 06:39:42.987 -0.2 ___ 7343.8 m__ MLhc 2.9 --------
SARK 0.17 66.7 Sg 06:39:45.985 0.0 ___ m__ --------
SGWS 0.20 176.9 Sg 06:39:46.250 -0.2 ___ 6264.1 m__ MLhc 3.0 --------
SKEK 0.20 66.5 Sg 06:39:46.817 0.0 ___ 3834.5 m__ MLhc 2.4 --------
SENGL 0.28 90.1 Pg 06:39:44.766 0.0 ___ 3621.6 m__ MLhc 2.8 --------
SENGL 0.28 90.1 Sg 06:39:49.270 0.5 ___ m__ --------
BNALP 0.29 80.4 Pg 06:39:45.135 -0.2 ___ 1050.1 md_ MLhc 2.7 --------
BNALP 0.29 80.4 Sg 06:39:49.470 -0.1 ___ m__ --------
WIC02 0.30 275.7 Sg 06:39:50.245 0.7 ___ 3639.9 m__ MLhc 3.0 --------
SLUB 0.31 40.8 Sg 06:39:50.676 0.4 ___ 1342.0 m__ MLhc 2.8 --------
GRIMS 0.32 139.0 Sg 06:39:50.207 -0.1 ___ 1467.4 m__ MLhc 3.2 --------
GSF03 0.36 133.1 Sg 06:39:51.546 0.1 ___ 2280.1 m__ MLhc 3.0 --------
FIESA 0.39 170.0 Sg 06:39:52.423 0.0 ___ 1636.9 m__ MLhc 3.2 --------
SPZ02 0.39 211.6 Sg 06:39:52.282 -0.5 ___ 519.4 m__ MLhc 2.4 --------
DAGMA 0.41 0.5 Pg 06:39:47.609 -0.1 ___ 1871.2 md_ MLhc 3.0 --------
DAGMA 0.41 0.5 Sg 06:39:53.734 0.1 ___ m__ --------
BTNF 0.42 144.4 Sg 06:39:53.623 0.1 ___ 2612.3 m__ MLhc 3.4 --------
BTRH 0.43 130.2 Pg 06:39:47.998 0.2 ___ 2837.6 mc_ MLhc 3.3 --------
BTRH 0.43 130.2 Sg 06:39:53.928 0.3 ___ m__ --------
SALTS 0.44 82.1 Sg 06:39:54.290 0.2 ___ m__ --------
SEFS 0.44 90.5 Sg 06:39:54.195 0.2 ___ 4312.0 m__ MLhc 2.9 --------
LAUCH 0.44 202.0 Sg 06:39:53.528 -0.4 ___ 1027.8 m__ MLhc 2.8 --------
T2246 0.44 134.1 Pg 06:39:48.147 0.1 ___ 638.9 mc_ MLhc 3.1 --------
T2246 0.44 134.1 Sg 06:39:54.043 0.0 ___ m__ --------
V0501 0.45 134.3 Sg 06:39:54.093 0.0 ___ m__ --------
T1755 0.45 134.2 Sg 06:39:54.168 -0.1 ___ 767.7 m__ MLhc 2.7 --------
BTCP 0.46 136.0 Pg 06:39:48.460 0.1 ___ 4017.9 mc_ MLhc 3.0 --------
WOLEN 0.47 291.9 Pg 06:39:48.791 -0.1 ___ 4083.7 md_ MLhc 3.0 --------
NALPS 0.56 114.1 Pg 06:39:50.198 -0.1 ___ 894.2 m__ MLhc 3.2 --------
NALPS 0.56 114.1 Sg 06:39:57.797 0.2 ___ m__ --------
BALST 0.56 337.5 Pg 06:39:50.123 -0.2 ___ 531.2 m__ MLhc 2.6 --------
FUSIO 0.58 129.3 Sg 06:39:58.221 -0.2 ___ 594.2 m__ MLhc 2.9 --------
DAMV1 ___ 451.1 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
LADOL ___ 536.0 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SLTM2 ___ 1117.4 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SIOV ___ 271.0 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
WALHA ___ 724.7 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SIMPL ___ 1183.9 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
OPENS ___ 888.0 __ --------
ZUR ___ 775.7 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
GIMEL ___ 416.6 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SAUR ___ 1340.2 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
PLONS ___ 581.4 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
MONT1 ___ 1493.8 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
WGT ___ 477.6 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
BEN01 ___ 3147.5 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
METMA ___ 663.1 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SLCF ___ 1337.6 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SPZ01 ___ 981.1 __ MLhc 2.4 --------
RAW1 ___ 360.0 __ --------
JAUN ___ 788.0 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SFRU ___ 1654.9 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
BTAO ___ 1234.8 __ --------
GRO01 ___ 1223.0 __ MLhc 2.5 --------
LLS ___ 128.6 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
DAVA ___ 276.3 __ --------
SBUA2 ___ 711.2 __ --------
SEMOS ___ 1192.7 __ --------
PLONS ___ 581.4 __ --------
BRANT ___ 338.8 __ --------
ARLE ___ 731.6 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
DIX ___ 338.2 __ --------
EMBD ___ 327.5 __ --------
SWYZ ___ 743.5 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
CHBFH ___ 703.5 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
RAW4 ___ 720.5 __ --------
MONT2 ___ 852.6 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
WEIN2 ___ 939.9 __ --------
SFRS ___ 2395.8 __ MLhc 2.5 --------
SBUA2 ___ 711.2 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
BRANT ___ 338.8 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SZIM ___ 882.0 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
SZWD2 ___ 741.2 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
SVIK ___ 1701.3 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SLENK ___ 5044.8 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
BERNI ___ 137.4 __ --------
SLE ___ 811.5 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SLUX1 ___ 1087.2 __ --------
SZWD2 ___ 741.2 __ --------
SCAS2 ___ 602.3 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
PERON ___ 487.5 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SATI ___ 200.2 __ --------
SLTM2 ___ 1117.4 __ --------
SHER ___ 1002.0 __ --------
GRO01 ___ 1223.0 __ --------
SWERG ___ 1897.8 __ --------
QEG02 ___ 1457.6 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
CHAMO ___ 1853.4 __ --------
ELM3 ___ 1002.2 __ --------
WALHA ___ 724.7 __ --------
SKAF ___ 678.6 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SLUK ___ 10440.4 __ MLhc 2.5 --------
SCHIO ___ 471.6 __ --------
SALAN ___ 681.3 __ --------
SULZ ___ 3024.1 __ --------
COLLE ___ 547.3 __ --------
MUTEZ ___ 617.0 __ --------
MONT1 ___ 1493.8 __ --------
HELU ___ 424.5 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
WGT ___ 477.6 __ --------
SBUL ___ 858.9 __ --------
SRFW ___ 1267.0 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SVIL ___ 3835.3 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SAIRA ___ 892.7 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SBERN ___ 3725.7 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SAIG ___ 1791.8 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
ONNEN ___ 933.3 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SNTZ ___ 5713.4 __ --------
CHBFH ___ 703.5 __ --------
STAF ___ 889.3 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SGT00 ___ 256.2 __ --------
SARE ___ 1406.0 __ --------
OPENS ___ 888.0 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
SBUS ___ 3090.1 __ --------
SIOV ___ 271.0 __ --------
SCEL ___ 279.9 __ --------
SSMS ___ 1119.1 __ --------
SGT00 ___ 256.2 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
WILA ___ 2373.5 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
ROTE ___ 972.9 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
SBUL ___ 858.9 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
ENDD ___ 348.3 __ --------
SRER ___ 993.0 __ --------
RONF ___ 358.0 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SPZ01 ___ 981.1 __ --------
LASAR ___ 550.1 __ --------
SBGN ___ 1055.0 __ --------
ARLE ___ 731.6 __ --------
SVEJ ___ 1712.3 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
LLS ___ 128.6 __ --------
DIX ___ 338.2 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
AIGLE ___ 817.1 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SCHS ___ 878.9 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SMELS ___ 1290.3 __ --------
NNFS ___ 797.2 __ --------
BTAO ___ 1234.8 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SZIM ___ 882.0 __ --------
VOGT ___ 585.7 __ --------
MFERR ___ 651.3 __ --------
SZEK ___ 939.5 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
NNFW ___ 1180.8 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
BLOTZ ___ 183.2 __ --------
SOLZ ___ 1558.7 __ --------
EWZT2 ___ 1561.0 __ --------
WILA ___ 2373.5 __ --------
SARC ___ 904.1 __ --------
SCAS2 ___ 602.3 __ --------
SARC ___ 904.1 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
PREO2 ___ 2217.3 __ --------
SKLW ___ 3455.3 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
MMK ___ 231.8 __ --------
SVBE ___ 1504.6 __ --------
SRER ___ 993.0 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
SAARA ___ 251.8 __ --------
EMING ___ 622.9 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
CHKS ___ 1466.0 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
QEG04 ___ 1192.3 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
OGVA ___ 264.7 __ --------
SMAO ___ 1829.6 __ --------
LASAR ___ 550.1 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
QEG03 ___ 1538.1 __ --------
SBIK ___ 3507.7 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
RAW2 ___ 807.9 __ --------
VET01 ___ 647.5 __ --------
ELM3 ___ 1002.2 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SGAK ___ 1506.3 __ --------
SNIB ___ 852.8 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
SGLK ___ 2720.2 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
QEG04 ___ 1192.3 __ --------
SARE ___ 1406.0 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
BRIZ1 ___ 467.9 __ --------
SRFW ___ 1267.0 __ --------
OGVA ___ 264.7 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SVIL ___ 3835.3 __ --------
RSL ___ 224.6 __ --------
LKBD2 ___ 365.6 __ --------
SFEL ___ 3186.0 __ --------
NNFT ___ 477.3 __ --------
LIENZ ___ 340.9 __ --------
KIR01 ___ 7306.3 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
AIGLE ___ 817.1 __ --------
STIEG ___ 557.4 __ --------
SYVP ___ 2627.9 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SCOD ___ 854.5 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
HAMIK ___ 371.0 __ --------
QEG02 ___ 1457.6 __ --------
GUT ___ 372.4 __ --------
SFRA ___ 1709.7 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
MTI03 ___ 820.2 __ --------
SAYF2 ___ 538.1 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
SBIS2 ___ 978.7 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
VMV ___ 296.3 __ --------
MONT2 ___ 852.6 __ --------
SCOU ___ 1091.6 __ --------
BERGE ___ 513.8 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SKLW ___ 3455.3 __ --------
RAW4 ___ 720.5 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
FLACH ___ 1291.6 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SENIN ___ 339.1 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
RSL ___ 224.6 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SGRA ___ 399.5 __ MLhc 2.5 --------
SMOE ___ 886.4 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
GRYON ___ 424.5 __ --------
SCHAT ___ 1502.2 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
CHAMO ___ 1853.4 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SIOO ___ 1429.8 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SGAK ___ 1506.3 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
LKBD2 ___ 365.6 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
AUBON ___ 1714.1 __ --------
WIC01 ___ 4997.9 __ --------
SFRA ___ 1709.7 __ --------
SWIM ___ 654.2 __ --------
SMAO ___ 1829.6 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SGLK ___ 2720.2 __ --------
TRULL ___ 1242.2 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
FLACH ___ 1291.6 __ --------
SSTS ___ 6305.2 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SWERG ___ 1897.8 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SCHAT ___ 1502.2 __ --------
QEG03 ___ 1538.1 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SCOU ___ 1091.6 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SAARA ___ 251.8 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SLENK ___ 5044.8 __ --------
SLUW ___ 7685.3 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
SCHS ___ 878.9 __ --------
SWYZ ___ 743.5 __ --------
BEN01 ___ 3147.5 __ --------
ILLEZ ___ 1365.7 __ --------
SAUR ___ 1340.2 __ --------
SFRS ___ 2395.8 __ --------
ILLF ___ 1350.7 __ --------
SLE ___ 811.5 __ --------
ROTE ___ 972.9 __ --------
MUO ___ 1205.5 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
VET01 ___ 647.5 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
RIVEL ___ 675.3 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SLOP ___ 1701.6 __ --------
MUO ___ 1205.5 __ --------
SLUX ___ 963.6 __ --------
LADOL ___ 536.0 __ --------
SFRU ___ 1654.9 __ --------
SZEK ___ 939.5 __ --------
PREO2 ___ 2217.3 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SLUW ___ 7685.3 __ --------
SBUB ___ 310.5 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
MUGIO ___ 475.1 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SKIES ___ 14600.3 __ --------
SAIRA ___ 892.7 __ --------
BERGE ___ 513.8 __ --------
SALAN ___ 681.3 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
RAW1 ___ 360.0 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
ACB ___ 2143.3 __ --------
PANIX ___ 188.8 __ --------
SLOP ___ 1701.6 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SNIB ___ 852.8 __ --------
KIZ ___ 413.6 __ --------
SYVP ___ 2627.9 __ --------
BOBI ___ 583.5 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
HAMIK ___ 371.0 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
SHER ___ 1002.0 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
BERNI ___ 137.4 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SMOE ___ 886.4 __ --------
EMMET ___ 1130.0 __ --------
ROTHE ___ 881.6 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
MTI03 ___ 820.2 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
ENDD ___ 348.3 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SVIK ___ 1701.3 __ --------
BRIZ2 ___ 1626.9 __ --------
SATI ___ 200.2 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
QEG00 ___ 1197.9 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
BRIZ1 ___ 467.9 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SIEB ___ 657.4 __ --------
MESRY ___ 627.7 __ --------
MOUTI ___ 415.4 __ --------
SEMOS ___ 1192.7 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
LSD ___ 194.8 __ --------
SNTZ ___ 5713.4 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
VDR ___ 180.3 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
JAUN ___ 788.0 __ --------
SUSI ___ 1573.8 __ --------
MRGE ___ 394.7 __ --------
SENIN ___ 339.1 __ --------
WIMIS ___ 608.5 __ --------
SBERN ___ 3725.7 __ --------
MRGE ___ 394.7 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SFEL ___ 3186.0 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
MATTE ___ 173.9 __ MLhc 2.3 --------
METMA ___ 663.1 __ --------
SWIK ___ 1349.2 __ --------
MUTT ___ 1227.6 __ --------
EMMET ___ 1130.0 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
DAVA ___ 276.3 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SIMPL ___ 1183.9 __ --------
SULZ ___ 3024.1 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
MESRY ___ 627.7 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
STGK ___ 1593.8 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SVEJ ___ 1712.3 __ --------
HAUIG ___ 1455.2 __ --------
STHK ___ 3691.9 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
SOLZ ___ 1558.7 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
SRHH ___ 1027.5 __ --------
SLUX1 ___ 1087.2 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
STSW2 ___ 254.3 __ MLhc 2.5 --------
MOUTI ___ 415.4 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
STHK ___ 3691.9 __ --------
ACB ___ 2143.3 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
EWZT2 ___ 1561.0 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
NNFS ___ 797.2 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
OBE01 ___ 4911.5 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
SIOO ___ 1429.8 __ --------
GOURZ ___ 1073.2 __ --------
RONF ___ 358.0 __ --------
ILLF ___ 1350.7 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SBEF ___ 899.2 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SSMS ___ 1119.1 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SMELS ___ 1290.3 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
HELU ___ 424.5 __ --------
MATTE ___ 173.9 __ --------
SBUB ___ 310.5 __ --------
MFERR ___ 651.3 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SVBE ___ 1504.6 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SBUS ___ 3090.1 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SLUX ___ 963.6 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SKIES ___ 14600.3 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
GOURZ ___ 1073.2 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
VINZL ___ 498.4 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
OBE01 ___ 4911.5 __ --------
MUTEZ ___ 617.0 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
SLIES ___ 1201.4 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
RAW2 ___ 807.9 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
VINZL ___ 498.4 __ --------
PREO4 ___ 1739.9 __ --------
SCHK ___ 486.4 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
SLCF ___ 1337.6 __ --------
SVIT ___ 889.5 __ --------
SCOD ___ 854.5 __ --------
BLOTZ ___ 183.2 __ MLhc 2.4 --------
SSTS ___ 6305.2 __ --------
SIEB ___ 657.4 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
SLIES ___ 1201.4 __ --------
BRIZ2 ___ 1626.9 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
STAF ___ 889.3 __ --------
RIVEL ___ 675.3 __ --------
PERON ___ 487.5 __ --------
LIENZ ___ 340.9 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
MUTT ___ 1227.6 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SVIO ___ 945.0 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SLUK ___ 10440.4 __ --------
CHKS ___ 1466.0 __ --------
BOBI ___ 583.5 __ --------
SRHH ___ 1027.5 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
AUBON ___ 1714.1 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
COLLE ___ 547.3 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
WIMIS ___ 608.5 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
SVIT ___ 889.5 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
NNFT ___ 477.3 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SBIK ___ 3507.7 __ --------
ONNEN ___ 933.3 __ --------
VMV ___ 296.3 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SBGN ___ 1055.0 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
BOUC ___ 558.5 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
PREO4 ___ 1739.9 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
KIZ ___ 413.6 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
VOGT ___ 585.7 __ MLhc 2.4 --------
BOUC ___ 558.5 __ --------
MMK ___ 231.8 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
VDL ___ 200.0 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
NNFW ___ 1180.8 __ --------
SUSI ___ 1573.8 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
GUT ___ 372.4 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
WEIN2 ___ 939.9 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
STSW2 ___ 254.3 __ --------
HAUIG ___ 1455.2 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SVIO ___ 945.0 __ --------
SAYF2 ___ 538.1 __ --------
SBIS2 ___ 978.7 __ --------
LSD ___ 194.8 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
PANIX ___ 188.8 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SWIK ___ 1349.2 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
GRYON ___ 424.5 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SBEF ___ 899.2 __ --------
VDR ___ 180.3 __ --------
ILLEZ ___ 1365.7 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SGRA ___ 399.5 __ --------
STIEG ___ 557.4 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SKAF ___ 678.6 __ --------
KIR01 ___ 7306.3 __ --------
MUGIO ___ 475.1 __ --------
EMING ___ 622.9 __ --------
ROTHE ___ 881.6 __ --------
ZUR ___ 775.7 __ --------
DAMV1 ___ 451.1 __ --------
WIC01 ___ 4997.9 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
VDL ___ 200.0 __ --------
MABI ___ 94.0 __ --------
SWIM ___ 654.2 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
QEG00 ___ 1197.9 __ --------
GIMEL ___ 416.6 __ --------
SAIG ___ 1791.8 __ --------
TRULL ___ 1242.2 __ --------
SCHIO ___ 471.6 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
SCHK ___ 486.4 __ --------
SCEL ___ 279.9 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
EMBD ___ 327.5 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
MABI ___ 94.0 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
STGK ___ 1593.8 __ --------

QuakeML format

Ground motion estimates (ShakeMap raw data)

PGV (m/s), ESRI shp format
PGA (m/s2), ESRI shp format
EMS-98 intensity, ESRI shp format
Earthquake announcements

Meldung / Announcement / Annuncio / Annonce Nr: 2
für dieses Ereignis / concernant cet événement / per questo evento / for this event

ERDBEBENMELDUNG des Schweizerischen Erdbebendienstes an der ETH

Der Schweizerische Erdbebendienst an der ETH Zürich hat im Kanton
Luzern, bei Sörenberg ein Erdbeben registriert. Das Beben ereignete
sich am 4. Januar 2024 um 07:39:39 Uhr (Lokalzeit) mit einer Magnitude
von etwa 2.9 auf der Richterskala. Dieses Erdbeben dürfte kaum
verspürt worden sein. Schäden sind bei einem Erdbeben dieser Stärke
nicht zu erwarten.

Auf www.seismo.ethz.ch finden Sie weitere Informationen sowie
die Möglichkeit, Beobachtungen zum Beben zu melden.

Diese Angaben wurden von einem Seismologen / einer Seismologin

Annonce de TREMBLEMENT DE TERRE du Service Sismologique Suisse
à l'ETH de Zurich

Le Service Sismologique Suisse à l'ETH de Zurich a enregistré
un tremblement de terre dans le canton de Lucerne, près de Sörenberg.
La secousse a eu lieu le 4 janvier 2024 à 07:39:39 (heure locale)
avec une magnitude d'environ 2.9 sur l'échelle de Richter. Ce
tremblement de terre n’a vraisemblablement été ressenti que par
peu de personnes. On ne s’attend à aucun dégât pour un tremblement
de terre de cette magnitude.

Pour de plus amples informations, visitez le site www.seismo.ethz.ch,
on peut également y faire part de ses propres observations concernant
le tremblement de terre.

Ces données ont été vérifiées par un sismologue.

Annuncio di TERREMOTO del Servizio Sismico Svizzero con sede all'ETH
di Zurigo

Il Servizio Sismico Svizzero con sede all'ETH di Zurigo ha registrato
un terremoto nel cantone Lucerna, presso Sörenberg. Il terremoto
è avvenuto il 4 gennaio 2024 alle ore 07:39:39 (ora locale) ed
aveva una magnitudo di circa 2.9 sulla scala Richter. Probabilmente
questo terremoto è stato percepito appena. Da un terremoto di
questa magnitudo non si attendono danni.

Ulteriori informazioni si trovano sul sito www.seismo.ethz.ch,
dove potete anche comunicare le vostre osservazioni su questo

Queste informazioni sono state verificate da un sismologo.

EARTHQUAKE announcement from the Swiss Seismological Service at
the ETH Zurich

The Swiss Seismological Service at the ETH Zurich has detected
an earthquake in canton Luzern, near Sörenberg. The earthquake
occurred on 4 January 2024 at 07:39:39 (local time) with a magnitude
of about 2.9 on the Richter scale. This earthquake is not likely
to have been felt. Damage is not expected from an earthquake of
this magnitude.

For further information visit www.seismo.ethz.ch, where it is
also possible to submit felt reports for this earthquake.

This information has been verified by a seismologist.


Meldung / Announcement / Annuncio / Annonce Nr: 1
für dieses Ereignis / concernant cet événement / per questo evento / for this event

ERDBEBENMELDUNG des Schweizerischen Erdbebendienstes an der ETH

Der Schweizerische Erdbebendienst an der ETH Zürich hat im Kanton
Bern, bei Meiringen ein Erdbeben registriert. Das Beben ereignete
sich am 4. Januar 2024 um 07:39:39 Uhr (Lokalzeit) mit einer Magnitude
von etwa 3.1 auf der Richterskala. Dieses Erdbeben dürfte in der
Nähe des Epizentrums deutlich verspürt worden sein. Schäden sind
bei einem Erdbeben dieser Stärke in der Regel nicht zu erwarten.

Auf www.seismo.ethz.ch finden Sie weitere Informationen sowie
die Möglichkeit, Beobachtungen zum Beben zu melden.

Achtung: Diese Angaben wurden automatisch berechnet und noch nicht
von einem Seismologen / einer Seismologin überprüft.

Annonce de TREMBLEMENT DE TERRE du Service Sismologique Suisse
à l'ETH de Zurich

Le Service Sismologique Suisse à l'ETH de Zurich a enregistré
un tremblement de terre dans le canton de Berne, près de Meiringen.
La secousse a eu lieu le 4 janvier 2024 à 07:39:39 (heure locale)
avec une magnitude d'environ 3.1 sur l'échelle de Richter. Ce
tremblement de terre a vraisemblablement été ressenti de manière
assez forte à proximité de l'épicentre. En règle générale, on
ne s’attend pas à des dégâts pour un tremblement de terre de cette

Pour de plus amples informations, visitez le site www.seismo.ethz.ch,
on peut également y faire part de ses propres observations concernant
le tremblement de terre.

Attention: Ces données ont été calculées de manière automatique
et n'ont pas encore été vérifiées par un sismologue.

Annuncio di TERREMOTO del Servizio Sismico Svizzero con sede all'ETH
di Zurigo

Il Servizio Sismico Svizzero con sede all'ETH di Zurigo ha registrato
un terremoto nel cantone Berna, presso Meiringen. Il terremoto
è avvenuto il 4 gennaio 2024 alle ore 07:39:39 (ora locale) ed
aveva una magnitudo di circa 3.1 sulla scala Richter. Probabilmente
questo terremoto è stato percepito chiaramente nelle vicinanze
dell'epicentro. Normalmente da un terremoto di questa magnitudo
non si attendono danni.

Ulteriori informazioni si trovano sul sito www.seismo.ethz.ch,
dove potete anche comunicare le vostre osservazioni su questo

Attenzione: Queste informazioni sono state calcolate automaticamente
e non sono state ancora verificate da un sismologo.

EARTHQUAKE announcement from the Swiss Seismological Service at
the ETH Zurich

The Swiss Seismological Service at the ETH Zurich has detected
an earthquake in canton Berne, near Meiringen. The earthquake
occurred on 4 January 2024 at 07:39:39 (local time) with a magnitude
of about 3.1 on the Richter scale. This earthquake is likely to
have been clearly felt close to the epicenter. In general, an
earthquake of this magnitude does not cause any damage.

For further information visit www.seismo.ethz.ch, where it is
also possible to submit felt reports for this earthquake.

Warning: This information has been created automatically and has
not been verified by a seismologist.

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